
This site is mainly run by me – but I have a bunch of smaller supporters. Since some of the content published on this site will not only bring joy and enthusiasm, I must remain anonymous out of pure self-protection.

What you will look for in vain on this page is baseless agitation or pure opinion. As sober as possible, only facts should be published. Some readers may find it easy and call me a “Traitor”. I hope that I can convince these people by fact-based and emotion-poor language that it is not about the “dirtying”, but it is a reform concern in the interests of all.

I know the system from the inside and I am a veteran insider of the trustee system of the country. I am aware of the importance of this industry to the country and I know that our country still has a good reputation to defend – in the interests of our clients from all corners of the globe and in the spirit of our principality and our children.

Disclaimer: A lot of passion and time are invested in this site. And also a little capital. Even if my monetary use of funds – you will probably recognize it – is extremely moderate.